The Challenge: Position “Veggie Slices“ as the brand name with high impact and originality, and focus on the main benefit of “made with organic tofu.”
The Result: Awe-inspiring. Branded with its trademark "green" color the brand was recognized as a "better for you" option compared to cheese. Since the product was made with organic tofu it was nautrally found in the produce section, In it's first year, Veggie Slices sold $17 million, and grew exponentially each year thereafter. As a result, a brand expansion effort forged ahead with Veggie Shreds, Veggie Milk, Veggie Grated Topping, Veggie Bar, Veggie Blast, Veggie Stix, and many new and innovative products in the alternative dairy category. By 2000, Galaxy Foods had changed it’s name to Galaxy’ Nutritional Foods’ and the Veggie® brand reached $60MM in sales. The well established, brand appeared in 7,000 stores nationwide and exported to 10 countries including Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom and Israel.